
Encourage customers to Leave Reviews on the Your Shopify Store

Customer reviews can help prompt shoppers to action when converting casual browsers into eager buyers.

According to the Global Web Index, nearly half of North American consumers use online customer reviews when actively looking for more information about a brand, product, or service. In North America, 31.2 percent of consumers trust what online reviews say about products.

People believe their peers more than they believe in businesses. That is why soliciting customer feedback is critical to the success of your retail business.

What is the significance of customer reviews?

Genuine customer reviews can persuade a new, undecided buyer to act and make their purchase.

Potential buyers can gather more relevant information by reading customer reviews from like-minded consumers or other shoppers in similar situations.

Because Google sees everything, detailed reviews on your website can even help SEO.

Customer feedback and SEO

When it comes to SEO, Google always prioritizes the customer. Your client is a Google user. Google is influenced by what its users want, believe, and trust. As a result, if your customers leave reviews (whether positive or negative), Google uses this as a signal to rank your website.

Good reviews will help you rank higher on the first page, whereas negative reviews may harm your rankings.

Customer feedback contributes to social proof.

Customer feedback can also contribute to social proof. Humans tend to look to groups or communities for validation of their decisions.

A customer may be intrigued by a product but hesitant to purchase it. Because they can see how other customers enjoy the products, customer reviews can provide the “social proof” they need to validate their initial interest and decide to purchase.

When a customer writes a review, that story can serve as convincing feedback from an unbiased source in a way that your product description cannot. You have a vested interest in presenting your products in the best light, no matter how detailed and honest you are.

Why Isn’t Getting Reviews as Simple as It Seems?

Product reviews have their peculiar quirk: everyone relies on them and enjoys reading them, but very few people take the time to leave a review.

At least 47 percent of shoppers leave a review for a product or service at least once a month. However, this encouraging statistic must be viewed in context: most shoppers will use more than one online product or service each month. They will not take the time to go over all of them.

To make matters worse, dissatisfied customers are more likely to leave a review and complain about your products or services. You have a 21% greater chance of reading a review from a dissatisfied customer than reading one from a satisfied customer. This is why most Shopify store owners prioritize getting more reviews.

But there is some good news! When prompted, customers are much more likely to leave a review. 70% said they responded positively to a review request.

Isn’t this a significant increase over the 47 percent mentioned above? It tells us that all we have to do is ask.

This, however, is easier said than done. Large eCommerce stores with large customer success departments and dozens of marketing automation sequences may be pretty straightforward. However, manual review requests can have a very low ROI for smaller online stores with few staff members, limited time, and limited technical capabilities.

Review request email templates are only helpful, and setting up the sequence can be time-consuming. Not to mention, more than half of consumers expect companies to respond to their reviews. However, very few of them receive that response for a straightforward reason: this is yet another time-consuming task.

Should you discontinue all review requests? Not! The number of reviews on your product pages is far too significant.

Instead, it would help if you looked for a more straightforward way to increase the number of reviews for your Shopify store.

How can you get customers to leave product reviews on your Shopify store?

After all, your customers expect to see reviews on your website and product pages. The great news is… Your customers want to share their stories with you as well.

If you have a consistent review generation strategy, you can get more customer reviews and build strong relationships with your customers.

I extracted proven strategies from analyzing the data of over 1000 Shopify stores to bring you the most effective tactics. Here are some quick and simple ways to generate more online customer reviews.

1. You should inquire

Many business owners skip this obvious step and never solicit feedback from their customers. True, some customers will leave a review independently, but the vast majority will need your “encouragement.”

According to research, customers are more likely to leave a review for a business when asked. An automated review generation process is a great way to ensure that you constantly solicit feedback from your customers.

2. Consider making it into a simple task

A frictionless customer experience is required throughout the shopper’s journey, and writing a review is part of that journey. When it comes to reviewing generation, it is critical to provide your customers with the option to leave reviews with as little effort as possible. They are completing a “task” that will benefit your company. Complicated forms will turn customers off with numerous questions. Keep it brief and to the point. The procedure should be effortless and straightforward.

3. Offer Rewards

Simply asking is excellent, but some customers will need more motivation to invest the time required to write a review. Include an enticing offer, such as a discount on your next purchase, to give this extra push. This way, you can increase the likelihood of repeat business for your Shopify store by obtaining more customer reviews.

4. You can ask again by scheduling reminder messages

Your initial request may catch the customer off guard at an inconvenient time, and there is nothing you can do about it. It does not imply that the customer is unwilling to provide feedback. As a result, review request reminders typically generate 30% more reviews.

Alternative app for WhatsApp marketing campaigns – Delightchat


If you need help, don’t be worried about using an app to automate the process. WhatsApp review request, for example, enables Shopify merchants to collect a large number of visual reviews from satisfied customers and create elegant online stores on which customers can rely.

To summarise, be transparent, honest, and authentic with your customers, respond quickly but carefully to negative reviews, and show the world how much you care about them. This is the most effective review strategy for your Shopify store.